martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Electric circuits and electronics

In this unit we are going to learn to design electric and electronic circuits, use their correct symbols  and basic instruments and units of measurement for electricity.

What is an electric circuit?

It is a pathway for the flow of electrons that consists of following parts connected by wires. In an electric circuit is throwing a continuous flow of electrons called electric current. These are its parts:
Resultado de imagen de pila

Generators give the energy that electrons need for move in the circuit. For example: batteries and cells.
Resultado de imagen de timbreLoads are devices that transform electric energy into other types that we can use. For example: light bulbs, motors, resistors and bells
Switching devices direct and interrupt the flow of electric current. For example:

Switches: permit or interrupt the flow of electric current.
Push buttons: Only function when they are pushed.
3-way switches: They can permit the flow through a section while they can interrupt the flow in another section.

Diagrams and symbols

There is the list of the most common symbols:

Resultado de imagen de diagrams and symbols of an electric circuit 3 eso

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